Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Tuesday August 13, 2007

LAST DAY AT CONTE! I do not want to leave. I have learned so much and have gained a deep appreciation for the excitement and commitment involved in true research. We all have had different experiences, but have come away with a variety of skills and an amazement at what is being investigated right in our own back yard. From chemotherapy delivery systems to antibacterial cloth, from fuel cells to solar cells, from biological energy generation systems to wrinkling and fundamental principles of physics, it is all less than an hour away from home. So many people here are incredibly smart, and everyone is always willing to help you and teach you and share what they know.

Greg Dabkowski took us to lunch with our mentors, then we attended our last Russell group meeting. Professor Russell is mighty impressive; I have no idea how he can juggle all that he does and be on top of everything going on the lab and all of the new advancements being made in his field. Efren and I said a few words of thanks to the group, and said farewell.

I had a meeting with Dr. Crosby and Greg Dabkowski at 2:30 to see how Minnechaug can forge a relationship with MRSEC. I will meet with Mr. O'Shea this week and see if this is feasible. I will miss my time in Amherst, but never will I forget this experience.

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